Two purple chairs face a Ferris wheel visible through the wide window. Behind the chairs are grey ottomans and a wooden fixture that frames the space. Plants are displayed on white shelves. Spherical light fixtures illuminate the area.

Reflecting good flow.

Blitz makes the most of opportunities to do multiple offices for the same client. Understanding an organization’s values and mission, then applying that to a specific locale is one of our favorite endeavors.

For the Splunk Singapore office we delivered a welcoming and authentic experience for team members, clients and visitors, that encourages Splunkers to share their passions and innovate new ideas. Splunk’s new space can easily transform for team gatherings, task driven collaboration, or become an exciting entertainment space. The orientation, materials, and layout is respective of biophilic, WELL, and LEED concepts, and respectful of feng shui principles. Oh and of course, highlighting the killer view!



14,285 SF

Interior Design
Furniture Planning and Selection
Environmental Graphics

Owen Raggett

A receptionist sits behind a curved white desk. Splunk's illuminated logo is displayed on a biophilic wall behind her. Circular light fixtures hang from the ceiling. Spherical ornaments dangle in the center of them.
Glowing light fixtures modeled after Singapore's national flower sprout from the ceiling of the micro kitchen. Two Splunk employees chat beside a speckled wall.  A potted plant sits beside a wall with wayfinding signage on it.
A Splunk employee descends wooden steps with a laptop in hand. She grips the black handrail adjacent to the thin posts covered in plant life rising from a planter. Employees work diligently at their desks on the other side of the biophilic partition.
Concept imagery representing the journey through Splunk's new office is displayed. Connection points are visible from the ribbon-like fabric of the concept image.

The journey through this space is expressive and flows seamlessly from one element to the next. This continuous progression throughout the office will create an energizing cycle for innovative creation. The space will incorporate aspects of nature and reflections that will positively impact workers satisfaction with their surroundings. Added layers of delightful, whimsical surprises will reflect the kinetic culture of the Splunk brand and facilitate both introverted introspection and extroverted collaboration.

A grey booth seating area and a thin wooden table overlook the city of Singapore. A grass wall rises behind it, with various plants jutting out of its surface. Wooden Slats are arranged diagonally on the grass wall, opposite the plants.
Circular light fixtures hang from the ceiling of a conference room. Desks are arranged in a U-shape, with two TV screens mounted on the wall before them. A lone plant rests in the corner near the window.
Four look and feel images represent the concept design of Splunk's new office.

Flowing seamlessly from one element to the next, the design sets up an intuitive progression through the office, incorporating aspects of nature and reflections which positively impact workers satisfaction. Added layers of delightful, whimsical surprises reflect the kinetic culture of the Splunk brand while facilitating both introverted introspection and extroverted collaboration.

Splunk's logo is displayed on a wooden wall with leaf veins adorning it. An employee uses her laptop at a white high-top table. Light fixtures with glass spheres encase bright light bulbs. They hang between the gaps of a wooden ceiling structure.
A circular fixture casts illustrious light onto a pink chair and an ovular ottoman. A white wall covering hangs whimsically behind the chair. A pink patterned carpet adds pops of color to the small phone room.
Splunk Singapore's office unfolds, revealing workspaces, small conference rooms, and employees mingling amongst one another. The green exterior walls of a small meeting room resemble leaf veins. The veins connect and reveal a map of Singapore.
A green flower adorns a white wall at the top of the stairs. Floral light fixtures hang from the ceiling above the artwork. Wooden stairs lead down to the previous floor of Splunk Singapore's office.

Highlight your view. Get in touch.


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